tiistai 12. heinäkuuta 2016


/// Netta

We went to spend the midsummer at my grandparent's summer house in southeast Finland. I took the camera with me and had a mission to play with it. As I've already mentioned, I love flowers but also nature generally. Finnish summer is the most inspiring season with all the colours and the unique feeling. 

These are my first nature photos I have ever taken with the system camera. I was pretty happy with the result and I wanted to share them here. 

torstai 7. heinäkuuta 2016


/// Jussi

I have a high passion for skulls and gif-animations. Sadly there isn´t too many projects that I can use them. One of the reasons why I wanted this blog, is to get these small weird animation ideas out in the open. 
Hope you enjoy!

keskiviikko 6. heinäkuuta 2016


/// Netta

Lately my interests have been in photography. I'm still a beginner with the systems camera, but I have a strong will to learn and be good at it. I'm used to be in front of the camera as a model, but not the person who takes the picture. I love beautiful photography, especially editorial fashion photos. I always catch myself planning nice setups and ideas and last weekend I decided really to do something. 

I'm good at setting the flowers and my works usually includes them. Since I've seen this cute trend on Pinterest etc.  I've wanted to try it by myself. 

Because I live with a handsome man with a great beard, guess who tempted to be the model.  

                                                        What do you guys think?